Jeff Moon

Mental Wellness. Biblical Worldview.

I help people improve their mental and spiritual wholeness,

to achieve the contentment the Bible promises.

You Can Get "Unstuck" From Fear, Anxiety, Shame and Trauma.

The Bible Has the Blueprint!

Feeling stuck is no fun, yet most of us experience it at times. And there is no shortage of "sticky places":

Stuck in the Past...?

Feeling haunted by childhood stressors

Missed opportunities in career or relationships

Mistreated/misunderstood by others

Regrets over our own wrongdoings or failures

Stuck in the Present...?

Long-term behavior patterns

Personality flaws


Poor choices

Powerless to make things better

Afraid, ashamed





Stuck in the Future...?


Sense of doom

Good things might go bad

Bad things might never improve

Feeling out of control

Unmanageable, AND unavoidable

What happens in eternity?

The good is that we can be "unstuck" in all of them!

Unstuck from The Past!

The Past:

Does not define you

Does not contain you

Cannot stop you

Is often God's greatest teacher

Unstuck in the Present Moment!

The present moment:

Is your chance to exercise your choice

Is always a fresh moment

Will soon become the past

Shapes your future more than the past

Is the only time to take your life back

Unstuck from the Future!

The future:

Is not your responsibility

Is not scary or a mystery to God

Lasts way beyond this life

Is eternal, and good, and it awaits you

Can point to hope, not dread

You can go forward, sure-footedly!

It's time to experience a breakthrough in your:

Career, Relationship, Mood, and Your Future...

It begins today!

From Jeff:

"Paul reminds us to 'be transformed'.

How? 'by the renewing of your mind'.

How? 'Put on the mind of Christ.'

How? 'Be imitators of Christ'. "

"The Bible's transformational blueprint patiently awaits our discovery. We need only to step into it."

Here are some ways to get started, right now...


Jeff Moon

(530) 628-9884

©Jeff Moon 2025

All Rights Reserved